Sunday, September 16, 2012

Egg Muffins

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 Breakfast of Champions - Egg Muffins served with Yams

We've all heard it before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It's so true and can really set the pace for the rest of the day.   I find this meal is top notch for breakfast.  So full of nutrients when made with vegetables and served with yams, and can be eaten on almost any type of diet: candida, paleo, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.

This is usually the first of many recipes I make on Saturday morning as part of getting some pre-made meals for the week.  I make these with a good batch of grated yams and we have breakfast for the week.  Each container gets a couple of big spoonfuls of yams and two egg muffins.

I love the versatility of this recipe.  I've made them with only bacon, which my kids absolutely loved, made them with veggies and sausage, and also as in this recipe, with veggies only.  Play around and use what you have in the fridge!  If you eat dairy, add some cheese in there!  And these also freeze very well.

egg muffins
1 tablespoon coconut oil (or oil of choice)
1 onion, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped 
1 jalapeño pepper, chopped 
1 cup mushrooms, chopped (not for candida diet)
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
12 large eggs
Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Heat oil in frying pan on medium heat.
  3. Cook onions for 5 minutes.
  4. Add peppers and mushrooms.  I like to cook these until they start to caramelize, about 10 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. Add 2 basil and let cool.
  7. In large bowl, beat 12 eggs.
  8. Add cooled veggies to eggs, add salt and pepper and mix well.
  9. Fill greased muffin tins to almost full and bake for 15-20 minutes, until edges are golden brown.
  10. Let stand in muffin tin for at least 5 minutes before removing to serve.
          Makes 15 egg muffins

          Note: For the grated yams, I simply wash a few yams, grate them and fry in coconut oil.  I leave           the peel on for extra flavour and nutrients.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This I will have to try!