Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fish Tacos

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Beautiful fish tacos, thanks Mathieu!

Mathieu's biggest catch yet!

Our last outing of the summer and we decided to go fishing for two days.  We went to Cow Lake, near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta with Grandpa and his boat.  Isn't that exactly what kids' memories are made of?  We spent many hours on the water, fishing, snacking or just taking in the warm sunny breaks and talking about things.  After our first day, grandpa had caught the only "keeper", an 11 lbs northern pike!  We went to my husband's cousin's house who has a beautiful family with two children, aged 8 and 5.  Perfect for our 7 and 4 year olds!  The kids had fun playing while grandpa put together his famous fish fry.  I wish I had a picture of that!  We had some catch-of-the-day with french fries, a perfect meal after a hard day of fishing.

Day # 2, Mathieu, our 7 year old son caught his first northern pike!  He was very apprehensive about bringing that 7 lbs fish in, but he did it and was very proud of himself afterwards, as were we.  And to top off his achievement, we made some delicious fish tacos with the 2 lbs of meat we got from it!  I swear he walked in to his first day of school the next day just a little taller! :)

fish tacos
2 lbs northern pike (or type of white fish i.e. walleye, tilapia, sole)
2 tablespoons oil
1 medium red onion, chopped
7 garlic cloves, minced
1-2 jalapeƱos, seeds included (I used 1 so it wouldn't be too hot for the kids but prefer it with 2)
2 cups tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped 
6 tablespoons fresh lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste
1-2 avocados, sliced (or if already made, use homemade guacamole)

  1. Heat oil in large frying pan to medium-high
  2. Cook onions and garlic until soft, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add fish, cook for about 4 minutes on first side.  Then turn and cook until it flakes easily, another couple minutes.
  4. Flake the fish and add the jalapeƱos, tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice and salt and pepper.  
  5. Cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Serve on lettuce leaf or tortilla of your choice (or lettuce leaves for paleo diet)
  7. Thank son for a great catch!
      Serves 4-8 (depends if serving with lettuce or tortillas:  I had mine with lettuce and ate more of the          
      fish mixture than my husband who had his with corn tortillas.)

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