Monday, September 10, 2012

Nut Butter

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Homemade almond/pecan butter for dipping with my favourites: celery and apple
So the other day, I came across a recipe on how to make nut butter.  The instructions simply said put nuts in the food processor, turn food processor on, leave for 10 minutes, come back and it's done.  I had my doubts but decided to give it a go.  First, I used my roasted nuts, which are so completely packed with flavour!  I followed the instructions and abracadabra, had the best tasting almond butter I've EVER had!

Feel free to use any nut, raw or roasted, and try any combination of your favourites.

Candida Diet: serving suggestion - spread nut butter on a brown rice cake and top with fresh berries (if allowed small amounts of low-sugar fruit)

Paleo Diet: I have recently started following the Paleo diet and love this snack with the almond/pecan butter used as a dip for celery and apple slices.  The roasted pecans add even more sweetness to the butter....yummm!

almond/pecan butter

roasted almonds 

  1. Place almonds in a single layer on cookie sheet.
  2. Roast in oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from oven and pour into a plate to cool

roasted pecans
  1. Place pecans in a single layer on cookie sheet.
  2. Roast in oven at 350 degrees for 13 minutes. (yes, 2 minutes less than the almonds)
  3. Remove from oven and pour into a plate to cool
Once the nuts are cooled, put in the food processor (I used 2 cups of each) and leave for 10 minutes.  Pour into container or jar and refrigerate.  I've always hated having to mix in the hard almond paste from the bottom of the jar with the top layer of oil, when it comes to store-bought almond butter.  I find it messy, and depending on the brand, almost impossible.  I'll never have to do it again!  

If anyone comes up with some really tasty combinations, please leave a comment.  I'm sure hazelnuts would be heavenly!

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