Monday, October 1, 2012

Pasta Sauce

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pasta sauce with ground bison on brown rice spaghetti

I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted a recipe!  Since school has started, I've been busier in the kitchen than ever, especially on the weekends doing "power cooks", but haven't had time to post anything!  Tonight, I'm making the time, even though I really should start transcribing my shorthand meeting minutes from the school council meeting from a week ago!   That'll just have to wait another day, or two...

The Farmers' Market right now is really in its prime time of year.  I absolutely LOVE the Farmers' Market.  I go to the Crossroads Market in Calgary and get all my meat, cheese (the best Ossau Iraty ever - it's a sheep cheese), and this time of year, tomatoes and peppers galore!  I've been making fresh salsas, pasta sauces and curries that are just to die for.  A 10 lbs box of tomatoes costs me $10 and a huge bag of assorted peppers, about the same.  For $20, I can make sauces that'll last much longer than any store-bought bottle.  And the taste doesn't even compare.

Here's a pasta sauce I made that we all really enjoyed.  I've used it with ground bison for spaghetti sauce, used it on its own with polenta, as pizza sauce as well as mixed with some Ossau Iraty to make mac and cheese for the kids.

pasta sauce
1 medium onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
7 large heirloom tomatoes, skin removed, chopped
3 tablespoons fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped

  1. Put all ingredients in a large saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, then simmer, covered for 1 hour.
  3. Uncover, and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally
  4. Remove from heat and cool
  5. Puree in food processor (don't do as I did, watch out for the liquid-fill line!
  6. Put in refrigerator or freeze in smaller portions.
Vegetarian: use sauce on its own without adding meat to it and serve with your favourite pasta, polenta, gnocchi, pizza, etc....
Paleo and Candida: use sauce with ground meat or sliced sausages on spaghetti squash 

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