Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox - Day 3

Print Friendly and PDF Well day number three and I'm feeling good.  I don't have the same types of cravings as I used to have when I first started to do this d-tox a few years ago.  I already have cut out a lot of the foods that are a bit difficult to give up, such as breads, pastas, pastries, etc...  At this point in the d-tox, it's normal to have a light lingering headache for a few days and to feel depleted of energy.  If you're doing the d-tox and feel this way, it's just your body using up its energy to do some hard-core d-toxin', it's a good thing!  This will go away within a few days and then you'll feel better than ever.


gluten-free blueberry-oat pancakes (2 servings - makes 8 small pancakes)
1 cup slow cooking oats
4 eggs
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup blueberries
coconut oil for frying

  1. Put oats, eggs and cinnamon in blender.
  2. Mix until it becomes a smooth batter.
  3. Pour into a small bowl and fold in blueberries.
  4. Heat frying pan to medium high and add coconut oil to coat bottom.
  5. Pour batter by the large spoonful into the hot pan.
  6. Cook for a couple minutes, turn when the bottom is light brown.
  7. Do the same for the other side and presto!
I used fresh blueberries and the burst of flavour I got from every bite was great.   I ate them with only a butter spread and it was very flavourful with the blueberries, no syrup needed!


I was in a rush around lunchtime, getting my dinner prepped up to bring the my in-laws for my father-in-law's 65th birthday supper.  So I grabbed 2 of the four leftover pancakes and topped them with almond butter.  They were equally as good at room temperature.


lime chicken wings and fresh salad with strawberry vinaigrette

chicken wings
1 lb chicken wings
coat well with coarse salt and pepper
lime wedges
  1. Coat baking sheet with olive oil and place chicken wings on a single layer.
  2. Bake at 475 for 20 minutes.
  3. Turn and bake for another 15 minutes or until desired doneness.  
  4. Serve with lime wedges.  The lime juice really livens them up!
strawberry vinaigrette 
7 medium strawberries
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  1. Mix all ingredients in food processor until smooth.
This went very well with my salad comprised of spring mix greens, red onion, orange pepper and apple.


We came home from our visit at 8:PM.   I put the kids to bed and I wanted a quick snack so I had my last two pancakes with almond butter.  I have to say that my diet today didn't follow the 80%-20% by food type that the d-tox suggests, however, I did stay within the allowable foods from the Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox and I'm proud of that!  I even passed on the birthday cake, and that's easier said than done :)


Unknown said...

Your recipe's sound delicious. I'm not sure if I read it wrong, but I thought that vinegar wasn't allowed in the Wild Rose Detox. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

ummm, you use a lot of apple cider vinegar and vinegar isn't allowed on the detox. try using lemon or lime juice instead. my go to salad dressing is the ceasar salad dressing in the recipe book! it's delicious!

Unknown said...

This is the first time i am reading your post and admire that you posted article which gives users lot of information regarding particular topic thanks for this share.<a href=">herbal d tox</a>

Monique Poirier said...

You're absolutely right about the apple cider vinegar...I always assumed you could use it on the D-tox but it is only allowed on the Cand-Aid program. Thank you for your comments!

Blogger said...

3 Researches REVEAL How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

This means that you literally burn fat by consuming Coconut Fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

These 3 studies from major medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!